Father and mother
Father and mother
in Ketapang
Assalamu’alaikum wr. wb
Mom dad how are you? May my father and mother are in good health and hopefully the father and mother always under the protection of Allah SWT. Thank God I'm here to be healthy and fine.
My mother's father here really missed my father and mother, my very dear the same father and mother, thanks to the prayers of my mother and father could be like this. Thank you mom and dad.
Father / mother God willing, our school will hold an event in which the event is the scouts. Activity pramuaka father / mother is an activity that I really enjoy doing during the school day. So pray with her.
Thus the possibility I could not return home for the holidays this semester due to attend the camp for one week in school. Mom and Dad do not worry because I still have savings. I will study in earnest in order to get good grades and come home on time because I miss my father, mother and sister at home. Perhaps this is all I can say to his father and mother at this time. I ask for the blessing of the father and mother may be given smoothness and ease.
A few letters from me maintain a healthy father and mother.
Wassalamualaikum wr. Wb.
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